About the event

As a continuation of a legacy started by like-minded people, hackCBS 5.0 aims to bring together the minds of programmers, designers, application developers, tech-geeks, and novices to the world of programming for the intensive development of a hack.
At hackCBS, we provide a tranquil and welcoming environment where you will be completely free to develop a product, pick up new skills, and along with that, we'll also give you the chance to network with leaders in the hacker community.

You've come to the right place if you haven't taken part in a hackathon before, as you are about to witness a series of events that will enlighten as well as enhance your skills. Experienced hackers must have been familiar with hackCBS, the biggest student-run hackathon in India.Over 1,000 hackers from all over the country competed for the top spot last year, writing over 50,000 lines of code in a single 24-hour period and guzzling more than 10,000 cups of coffee. But this time it’s going to be different, ‘coz this time it’s going to be even grander.

Offline - Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies

5th - 6th November 2022

YouTube Views

Past Speakers

Jason Mayes

Senior Developer Advocate

Aravind Putrevu

Senior Developer Advocate

Kin Lane

Chief Evangelist


TensorFlow.js Community Advocate


Senior software Engineer


Project Manager

Hackathon Themes

Our Sponsors

Our Past Sponsors

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon can be best described as an “invention marathon”, or in simple words hackathons are about bringing your crazy ideas to reality. It’s an event where any tech-enthusiast, regardless of their individual field can come & participate to learn, build & share their creations over the course of a weekend, in a relaxed & productive environment. Hackathons are simply a venue for self-expression & creativity, where people come together & transform their thoughts into reality, through technology.

How big a team can be?

The maximum team size is four and lone rangers are also welcome. Participants selected on an individual basis and can team up on the spot as well.

Who all can participate?

This is a student hackathon and only students are allowed to participate. You’ll be required to verify at the event by showing your student ID card.

Do I need to have any specific qualifications to be a participant for the hackathon?

If you love to code, you are more than welcome to participate in the hackathon.

I'm not a citizen of India. Can I participate?

There is only one eligibility for this hackathon and that is Motivation. If you love to code and have an innovative brain then you are more than welcome. So yes, If you are an International Participant, You are always welcome to our hackathon.

I am a newbie, can I hack?

Of course you can! We at hackCBS ensure that no one is left behind during the hacking, thanks to our mentors and volunteers who help us achieve the same. We make sure that you learn the best you can alongside having fun and experiencing what it feels to belong to a community.

Is there any registration fees for participation?

We don't want to monetize learning, community, and innovation. So, There is no participation/registration fees.

Can I start working on my hack before the event?

No. In the interest of fairness, students should not be working on their projects before hackCBS begins and we do not allow participants to work on pre-existing projects. However, you can familiarize yourself with all the tools and technologies you intend to use beforehand.

What to bring to the hackathon?

Please bring a valid university ID (or any student ID if in high school), a computer (preferably a laptop), chargers, and any hardware you will use for your hack. Please bring your own extensions although we'll have them available at a minimum security deposit (refundable). No firearms, weapons, alcohol, or illegal drugs are allowed on campus.

Does hackCBS provides Internet facility during hackathon?

You're advised to bring your own broadband/hotspot device as we can arrange for atmost one connection per team.

What is the shortlisting procedure?

Based on the info provided in the registration form, teams will be shortlisted for the hackathon.

Does hackCBS helps with travel reimbursement?

Yes, definitely we do to the brightest minds but on case to case basis (keeping in mind all the other constraints). If eligible you'll be informed about this over mail following the Hackathon.

Error 404 question not found?

Drop us a mail at connect@hackcbs.tech and we would be more than happy to answer your queries. Also, feel free to write if you'd like to volunteer for the event or be a mentor or judge!


Rishabh Sharma

+91 880 0455 690

Shyaamal Tripathi

+91 896 0043 482